Mary's Personal Webpage

I'm usually the one writing a lot of articles and interviews within the tech space so I thought I would let one of my friends interview me for a change on my own website. Here's the top things about me most people would like to know:
Who Are you?
I'm Mary, technology writer and blogger for twitter/technorati, thanks for stopping by to check out my website. I frequently discuss guest posting, product highlights, interesting DIY ideas, and more.
Why do you blog?
I grew up in the tech age and love to share what I learn, so it was only a natural progression to go from tech geek to writer.
Has blogging impacted your life? How?
Blogging helped me open up in my writing. It taught me to be brave and write with emotion. Trust me, the most entertaining posts contain strong emotions or opinions.
Who is your favorite band right now?
Say Anything
Why are they your favorite?
They have been since high school. They always will be. I dig their talent and the lyrics are captivating.
What would you like to say to your fans?
Thank you for your continued support, I am constantly trying to bring you the best and newest tech reviews and articles and keep you entertained. If you love what I do, support me on social media or follow my blog! We'll have new stuff for you guys all the time.